Sunday, September 29, 2013

Same old same old

This week was a pretty normal week so I have very little of importance to report. But I do have some pictures to share.

Photo of the week as promised
Knox & his buddy Blythe at the playground
Knox ready to go to soccer on Saturday morning with Kyle

So far on week one of trying to practice photography and give myself a goal of one picture per week I am still on track. I may have waited until this afternoon but at least I did it! Here are the rest of the pictures from the swing photo shoot. 

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Getting back in the saddle...

I have been taking a bit of a hiatus from photography since Isla was born. I mentally gave myself a year of grace to survive having a two year old and an infant.  But things are getting better everyday and I am finally finding myself with the energy and desire to do something besides just make it through the day.  I decided that I hadn't done a photo shoot with Knox in awhile so we headed to a nearby park area yesterday to get some pictures of him. My new goal is to get back to my "photo of the week" on the blog and force myself to practice, practice, practice to get better!  

Kyle took care of Isla while I tortured Knox :) 
I''m not sure longboarding while wearing a child in a back carrier is the safest thing but everyone survived!

Here are my favorite shots from the shoot: 

It's quite the challenge to get a 2 year old to look at the camera and smile but I am still happy with the ones that I got.


Sunday, September 15, 2013

Local tourists...

This weekend we decided to be tourists in our own town.  We took the kiddos on the 'Austin Duck Tour' around Austin and in Lake Austin.  We found a groupon and Knox & Isla were free so we decided to go for it!  We had been on the same type of tour in Seattle so we knew what to expect. It was lots of fun and Knox loved using his quacker and riding on the boat.  

We felt like we are finally back to our old selves again.  We have been so busy this summer and then with the move, we haven't really had a chance to get out of the house and do anything as a family in a long time. It was a nice way to spend a Saturday! 


Sunday, September 8, 2013

a photo shoot comparison...

I have tried my best to do the same "photo shoots" that I did with Knox with Isla so that we will have the same photos for both of them at the same ages.  Last week I took Isla's 10 month photos.  Here's a look at how the two of them compare:

Knox at 3 months
Isla at 3 months
Knox at 6 months
Isla at 5 months
Knox at 11 month
Isla at 10 months

So happy
So sweet

so far they like each other....
 Everyone says this but it is true, I can't believe that she is already 10 months old.  At the end of next month she will turn 1 year old. Crazy! It seems like just yesterday I was praying that she'd be born on Halloween and now we're getting ready to plan her Halloween b'day party.
