Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Innocent until proven guilty

This week I had noticed a blue highlighter that was sitting on the floor under the kitchen table.  I noticed it, but choose to do nothing about it because bending over and picking things up is becoming increasingly difficult and this would have required getting underneath the table and bending over, so that definitely wasn't happening.  All that to say that when Kyle & I got home from Bible Study tonight we found said highlighter chewed up on our bedroom carpet.  It can be hard to tell which dog is the perpetrator sometimes but there are advantages to having a dog who is unable to hide their guilt.  

Exhibit A: 

Notice the blue coloring on Mercedes' paw (it was also all over her face, but you may not be able to tell from the photo). 

Exhibit B:

I tried to be stern and discipline her but it was kind of too funny to even be mad.