Thursday, October 25, 2012

A smorgasbord before the storm...

Kyle & I keep referring to these last few weeks as the calm before the storm. It is a strange state to live in with the awareness that your life could and will change very soon and never be the same again.  We're excited to get to meet our little girl and anxious for her to arrive for sure, but a little apprehensive as well.  We've really enjoyed these last few weeks with Knox getting ready for her arrival. 

As requested by a few friends, here is the belly at basically 40 weeks and ready to pop! 
40 weeks! 
My mom came through again this year and made Knox the most adorable Halloween costume ever! It took some convincing to get him to wear it and not be afraid of it, but we finally convinced him.  He is going to the be the Scarecrow from the 'Wizard of Oz' and his buddy Blythe is going to be Dorothy. I don't have pictures of them together yet, but I definitely will...

These two clowns are always making me laugh! 
I mean, could you find a cuter scarecrow?
A few weekends ago we had our annual Halloween Extravaganza.  Basically, it is my excuse to get to make lots of halloween treats, go to a pumpkin patch and watch 'Charlie Brown's Great Pumpkin'- all of which are some of my favorite things.  Unfortunately, it poured down rain while we were at the pumpkin patch, but we still had fun!  

Knox checking out the petting zoo at the pumpkin patch in Elgin 
I made him pose in his costume at the pumpkin patch too- man he is going to hate me when he's older :) 
Finally, I have been trying to continue to practice my photography and got the chance last weekend to take some family shots of our good friends the Assuntos. Here are my favorites from their shoot:

This should definitely be my last post before the baby arrives.  My official due date is Saturday and then I go back to the doctor on Monday to talk next steps in case she decides to be late like her brother was- exciting times!! 



  1. Knox...friggin' adorable, as always. Assunto photo shoot...absolutely perfect. Miss both your families and can't wait to "meet" Baby Girl Sale!

  2. Your pictures are GORGEOUS!!! Love all of those. And I let out a big snort laugh at the Knox and Kyle pic. Hilarious.
