Monday, April 22, 2013

Gloria's maiden voyage...

This weekend we took our first trip in Gloria our VW Camper Bus.  We had been waiting for Knox to be old enough and for the weather to be warm enough and the stars finally aligned.  Isla & I came along until bedtime and then we drove home.  I didn't think camping with an infant sounded even remotely enjoyable so I volunteered to bow out early.  Kyle & Knox stuck it out for the long haul and made it through the night though!  Knox did great on his first overnight in the bus and it was a success!! I think there will be many more family camping trips in our future.

We went to Krause Springs which is about an hour west of Austin.  It was pretty and there were lots of fellow campers there so that made it a fun, festive environment for Knox's first camping trip.  Here are some pics of our trip:

Krause Springs 
Krause Springs Pool
Gloria in all her glory 

Knox eating his dinner at the table 

Knox & Isla playing in the camping bin 

Knox's first camp whiz :)

Isla's first camp bottle


  1. I LOVE that her name is Gloria. Where did that comes from? Text me. :)

  2. Love this!!! You guys are so fun. :)
